O le a muamua ia ona ou taia le tuluvao ma ou fa’apipilili’a e pei o le alofi sa o tupu nai le malae o le vavau. Ma ou fa’atulou i ou pa’ia Samoa e afua mai i le mata’isau i Gaga’e Malaetele, Pomasame, Malotumau, ma Fatulegae’e se’ia o’o i Fili ma Puletu’u na tuailo ai Malo. Tulou tulouna lava.
O a’u o Levaogogo Tupuola Leo II Tupuola, ma o lo’o avea nei a’u ma Peresitene o le Ekalesia Katoliko Mangere Central, St Anthony Auckland. Ma ua atoa le 20 tausaga o galue i lenei tofi ma nisi fo’i tofi o le Ekalesia i se au’aunaga fa’alelotu. E fa’apea fo’i nisi o Tamali’i o le atunu’u o lo’o matou galulue fa’atasi i le fa’atinoina o nei tiute i totonu o le Ekalesia mo tausaga e tele. O le a ou taumfai i se lipoti e fa’aluiloa ai nisi o au’aunaga i totonu o le Ekalesia, aemaise i totonu o le Palisi a St Anthony. O se galuega va’ava’alua ma le Faife’au le Afioga ia Patele Felise Lemi, ma le tele o nisi fo’i o Faife’au o le a le mafai ona ta’ua o latou suafa i tausaga e tele ua tuana’i. Aua sou silfia.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]First and foremost, I give thanks to our Lord and Saviour for this wonderful opportunity to recall and to account, of a significant work, undertaken by a community of faith in service to God and to others.
In the tradition of Fa’asamoa, I am grateful to acknowledge the founding Fathers of our people. Their duty of care to God and family are the foundations of our way of life, while respect is the pillar of strength in our homes. These founding principles and moral values become the cornerstone of the wonderful work and general service of the Samoan Catholic Community of Mangere Central.
My name is Levaogogo Tupuola Leo II Tupuola, president of the Samoan Catholic Community of Mangere Central which is subdivision of the St Anthony Parish in Kirkbride Road, Mangere Bridge. The Samoan Catholic Community of Mangere Central was founded by a small group of Samoan families and parishioners in 1973, and now proudly consists of 44 registered families under the pastoral care of our Parish Priest Fr. Felise Lemi and governed by a dedicated Leadership Committee:
President: Levaogogo Tupuola Leo II Tupuola
Vice President: Maiava Lafaele Setefano
Secretary: Tupa’i Fa’atau Lene Luatua
Treasurer: Joyita Kalala Purcell
Our Samoan Catholic Community works to promote the spiritual and cultural enhancement of our members both young and old. We are actively involved in Parish, Pastoral and community ministries, some of which include:
• Service in Liturgical Ministry: Ministry of the Word, Eucharistic and Music Ministry
• Altar Servers (St Anthony’s Parish and Malaeola Samoan Masses)
• Samoan Choir which regularly sings at Parish Masses twice a month as well as servicing other various occasions such as weddings, family services/funerals, Malaeola Samoan Masses and other Feasts, and Holy days of the Church year.
• Co-ordinating fundraising events to fund parish and Samoan community facilities and programs
• Weekly church cleaning and landscape maintenance
• Floral arrangements for the altar
• Sponsorship of a child in the West Indies through World Vision
• Hospital and home visitations to the sick in our Parish community offering prayer, support and ministering of the Eucharist
• Quarterly seminars to foster personal development and spiritual growth delivered by Parish and Samoan Community leaders
• Prayer groups
• Co-ordinate annual Christmas visitations to the sick and elderly, and gift donations.
Within our Samoan Catholic Community, we have three sub-groups, each with their own nominated Leadership committees:
Autalavou (Youth Group):
President: Kalolo Ioane
Vice President: Penetito Kapeli
Secretary: Margaret Emani
Treasurer: Palee Fidow
Aoga Aso Sa (Sunday School):
President: Tia Joe Fidow
Vice President: Epi Lene
Secretary: Tufosa Emani
Treasurer: Luaipou Fidow
Aufaipepse (Choir):
Choir Master: Teoteo Seleni Va’a
Committee: Soma Leafao, Tuailevao’ola Aki, Kolio Tanu
Faipese/Pianist: Fa’aesea Falema’i-Tu’upo, Maliana Ioane
A family-focused approach and our duty of service to the Church provide a strong foundation to our Samoan Cahtolic Community. Families are strongly represented throughout most of these groups and provides opportunities for individuals to become actively involved in the Catholic faith, enhancing their spiritual journey through communal engagement, learning and service, and is strengthened by the core values and principles of our Samoan culture.
We extend our sincere thanks to Fr. Felise Lemi and all parish Priests past and present who have supported the Samoan Catholic Community of Mangere Central since its establishment in 1973 as well as our Parish family of St Anthony’s Mangere Bridge for your continued support and partnership. We would also like to acknowledge the wider Catholic Samoan Community within the Auckland Diocese and its leaders who share in our responsibility to nurture the faith journey of our young people and ensure the message of the Gospel is lived and shared.
May God continue to bless you all.
Prayerfully yours,
Levaogogo Tupuola Leo II Tupuola
Celebrating the Feast Day of St Anthony – 13 June 2015