The structure of Malaeola was set from the very beginning and has since been continued. Led by Patele Iosefa Euese himself being the Chaplain, there is an Executive Team who take responsibilities for the Administration and the running of the centre. Everyone makes up the “Team” at Malaeola. We all belong to this community and it is everyone’s right to be proud and take ownership of the place.
Every Community belongs to a Parish and each community is encouraged to contribute to the work of their own Parish. Within each Community they appoint their offices consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer as well as Sunday School and Youth Leaders every year.
At the beginning of every year, these community positions get reappointed and they get blessed during our special Mass which is often celebrated by our Bishop of Auckland and if not available, a designated member of the Clergy. It’s a way for us to “Fa’afetai” and “Recognise” our old leaders and welcome our new ones.
We as a Samoan Community meet on the first Sunday of the month to celebrate Mass together. We all take part in the Mass. We lately moved our meetings every two months on the first Saturday afternoon. Urgent meetings can be called for the leaders themselves if there are urgent matters to be discussed and resolved as soon as possible.
Our Youth Group is under the leadership of the Executive Youth Leaders. Once a month too they hold their meetings on the third Sunday of the month. This is an opportunity for them to spur one another on in the faith and to share their life experiences, cultural experiences and they get taught about their Catholic faith.
Our Sunday School is under the Leadership of our Sunday School Executive Office. They meet once a month to share resources and they have a set curriculum for those communities that have Samoan Sunday Schools in their Parishes. They hold retreats for all Sunday School teachers annually and they also celebrate the children’s achievements after their November Mass at the end of the year in means of prizegiving.
We have our Liturgy team which is divided into three zones, the West, Central Auckland and South Auckland. Representatives from this zones take turns in ironing, washing, cleaning and setting up various duties in preparation for the hall when we have our Community Masses. We are also fortunate to have our team of Securities from all communities who take good care of our car parking and the security of our place whenever we have our big social and church gatherings. Our team of cleaners who also play a big part in contributing to the cleanliness of our premises.
Meet the Executive Team below:-
Father Iosefa Euese
Asi Maiava Vaigafa Lafaele Setefano
Na soifua mai o ia i Samoa i le afio’aga o Vailoa Palauli, Savai’i i ona tua’a o Setefano Liuliu Tuimaleali’ifano ma Malia I’asa Asiata Te’o. O ona tua’a sa galulue Fa’afesoasoani i Samoa ma ua fai i le lagi la la’ua folauga.
Sa a’oa’oina ia i le Aoga Fa’ata’ita’i i Moamoa, A’oga Tulagalua i Taelefaga, Fagaloa, A’oga Marist Brothers School i Mulivai, Apia, ona soso’o ai lea ma le A’oga maualuga a Saint Joseph’s College i Lotopa.
Taupa’u Petero Mulipola
Susuga Taupa’u Petero Mulipola, o ia o le Failautusi aoao a Malaeola.
Ae oute le’i utufia ina le vai na momo’o i ai le tuiatua nai mulinu’u ma nu’uausala, pe oute taia ina foi le launiu na faamalumalu ai le tuiaana tamailelagi, oute muai faapoipoi laau tumanu e pei ole fetalaiga ia Lemalu ma Lemamea ma lo lafale na toese’a, aua sau faafofoga’aga Samoa e tusa ai ma le faailoaina o lou nei tagata faatauvaa male le taualoa,
Mata’uitaua Fa’alenuuleea Mo’a-Sili
Tamala Vitale Nu’u
Tamala Malaki Vitale e mai le Alalafaga o Fusi Saluafata. Sa galulue fa’afesoasoani ona matua ua i lagi la laua folauga. Na ola ma soifua o ia i Moamoa. O lona tina e mai le afio’aga o Leauva’a, a o lona tama e mai le afio’aga o Amaile.
I le 1980 sa fa’atasi atu o ia i le Ekalesia Otara ma e tusa ma le 30 tausaga talu ona Peresitene o ia mo le Ekalesia. I le 2004 se ia o’o mai nei i le 2015 ua avea o ia ma Teutupe Ekalesia Aoao Samoa Malaeola.
E to’a 6 ona alo, fa tama ae lua teine. O se tasi o ona alo o lo’o failautusi nei i le Autalavou a le Ekalesia Aoao. Na fa’atasi mai lava o ia ma lona aiga talu ona fa’atuina Malaeola i le 20 tausaga talu ai.